Wednesday, August 13, 2014

tegucigalpa, honduras

Honduras. I came, I left. Not because I didn´t like it - this was just due to my route, which not only has to be geographically feasible and (somewhat) practical, but I also try to leave my heavy bags in one spot. Yep, I´m definitely getting tired of the bags. But, I´m making it work.

Taxi, bus, bus, pedicab at the border, bus, bus, and taxi. That´s a long day, you guessed it. My pedicab driver was a young guy from Guatemala who left to work here when there was a bus massacre and people were killed. Like many Central Americans I´ve met, he has family in Canada.

The bus from Nicaragua to the Honduran border was the most hectic and circus-like. It was another reminder of how far away my life in Canada is. A blind man with sunken eyelids was singing and begging. A very pregant woman was selling fried food. Numerous other vendors all passed through the bus, one by one. Things being sold included: CDs/DVDs, bags of water, 2 large pizzas in boxes being carried on a woman´s head, pop in plastic bags with straws, bags of fruit, and balls of fried chicken.

The man working on the bus collecting fares walked away without giving me my change. I confronted him and he magically realized that he hadn´t given me my change.

At one point our bus stopped and a plain-clothed man got on the bus. He came up to me and asked where I was from. I woulnd`t tell him, and I just kept asking him why he wanted to know! This went on for awhile until he finally told me he was a police officer. Oh!

I arrived in Tegucigalpa at night, then ran some errands.

The hotel is on the expensive side, but I´ve got a private room in a safer part of town.

At dinner I found more vegetables!

I was on a bus to El Salvador the next morning. Happy to say that, yes, I left my bags in storage at my hotel in Honduras where I will later return.

I never really wound up exploring much of Tegu when I came back, and I came back multiple times since I used it as a base to store my bags. After having taken taxis around town and checking my guidebook, nothing really screamed for me to visit it. It just felt like another big, uninteresting city.

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